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All Categories > (03) Wire Routing Devices > 22 (22-1) Series: Miniature Wire Saddle x .138 Mtg. Hole > View Items  

22 (22-1) Series: Miniature Wire Saddle x .138 Mtg. Hole

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  • Micro/Miniature Wire Saddles
  • 03-22 Series:  For .062 Chassis Thickness
  • 03-22-1 Series:  For .093 Chassis Thickness
  • Packaging: 1000/bag
  • Material: Nylon 66  UL94V-2  (V-0 Available - add "X" to end of part#)
  • UL File No: E70062
  • Color: Natural
  • ASTM: D 4066, PA111
  • RoHS Compliant: Yes
  • Temp Range: -40 to 185 F (-40 to 85 C)

  Results 1 - 8 of 8 1 

Item #

Dim. - L1

Dim. - L2

Panel Thickness

Mounting Hole Diameter

Dim. - W1

Dim. - W2

03-22-10 .120 (3.0) inches (mm) .260 (6.6) inches (mm) .024 - .063 (.6 - 1.6) inches (mm) .138 (3.5) inches (mm) .360 (9.1) inches (mm) .290 (7.3) inches (mm)
03-22-20 .160 (4.1) inches (mm) .320 (8.1) inches (mm) .024 - .063 (.6 - 1.6) inches (mm) .138 (3.5) inches (mm) .420 (10.7) inches (mm) .360 (9.1) inches (mm)
03-22-30 .240 (6.0) inches (mm) .360 (9.1) inches (mm) .024 - .063 (.6 - 1.6) inches (mm) .138 (3.5) inches (mm) .470 (12.0) inches (mm) .440 (11.2) inches (mm)
03-22-40 .300 (7.6) inches (mm) .360 (9.1) inches (mm) .024 - .063 (.6 - 1.6) inches (mm) .138 (3.5) inches (mm) .470 (11.9) inches (mm) .510 (13.0) inches (mm)
03-22-1-10 .120 (3.0) inches (mm) .260 (6.6) inches (mm) .093 (2.4) inches (mm) .138 (3.5) inches (mm) .360 (9.1) inches (mm) .290 (7.3) inches (mm)
03-22-1-20 .160 (4.1) inches (mm) .320 (8.1) inches (mm) .093 (2.4) inches (mm) .138 (3.5) inches (mm) .420 (10.7) inches (mm) .360 (9.1) inches (mm)
03-22-1-30 .240 (6.0) inches (mm) .360 (9.1) inches (mm) .093 (2.4) inches (mm) .138 (3.5) inches (mm) .470 (12.0) inches (mm) .440 (11.2) inches (mm)
03-22-1-40 .300 (7.6) inches (mm) .360 (9.1) inches (mm) .093 (2.4) inches (mm) .138 (3.5) inches (mm) .470 (11.9) inches (mm) .510 (13.0) inches (mm)
  Results 1 - 8 of 8 1 
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